Tuesday, February 8, 2011


There are many things I could dedicate my blog to: teaching, p90x...well maybe just two things. Then there's life in general. I'm guessing this is going to be a compilation of everything. It feels weird without a purpose. But half the things I do with my life are goal-oriented and the other half are spontaneous and completely useless, so why not carry that over into a blog. Maybe I do have a goal. I used to write a lot. Mostly fiction - I'm a dreamer. Living in a fantasy land that I create in trusty old Microsoft Word is my idea of a good time. It's how I used to spend about 60% of my day - I would write pages of stories in the middle of class back in my undergrad years. (Sidenote: my GOD I feel old saying that) So maybe blogging will spark my creativity again and I'll get back into writing. I miss it. Amongst other things. Another downfall to getting old, I guess...missing things. sigh.

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